
Brainstorming is an effective and efficient activity to generate new ideas翻譯社 thoughts that eventually lead to the solutions of several problems at a time. Brainstorming can be performed in groups or you can do it on you own. Start brainstorming session, when you are refreshed and relaxed to produce ingenious, original and creative ideas. Sit at the table and write down as many ideas on this subject as possible - do not be afraid to sound silly, write everything that occurs to you.


根基上天成翻譯公司們為泛博海外留學生設計我們的網站,但我們所有的信息將會對一般英文論文寫作班或外文系同學有很大的匡助。在這裡您可以找到很多有效的英 文論文寫作技能翻譯社而且將幫忙翻譯公司避免最多見的英文論文寫作陷阱和增強您的寫風格格。我們的網站為您供應一個周全的指南讓您輕鬆編寫分歧類型的英語論文寫作

1. Come up with the existing problem that should be investigated. For many people, the problem has some negative meaning. But here, you should present some facts that should be explored; it does not mean that they have to be negative ones. For example: "The efficiency of Basic Health Care for Cats".

2.Present it clearly, so that every person who reads it- understands what you intend to say.

3. Discover as many solutions and answers to the problem as possible. Do not be too shy - you should write down all solutions you have thought of翻譯社 even if they seem bizarre to you.

4. Select several (approximately five or six) ideas you like best. Select several (approximately five or six) ideas you like best. Set several criteria that give the best answer to the problem. Criteria may start with the word" must" or "should".

5. Score every idea (from one to five for example)翻譯社 depending on how well it corresponds to the criterion. Once all ideas have been scored翻譯社 sum up the points.



The next step is to bind your ideas and to assemble them into several topics, which require more careful investigation. Then jettison all other ideas, especially strange or irrelevant ones. Once you have finished this process you will see that you have come up with the idea which can serve as the starting point for the essay.

The idea with the highest score is actually the best one. Nevertheless, keep notes of all the ideas, because even the best idea might not be workable in the future.

If you still can not find the right topic, consult your tutor, he/she might be able to help you.

The following is more detailed process:

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