compare to (比喻)
有兩件事物相互比較時,要注意介系詞的用法。一般來講,可用「compare A with/ to B」的句型,此時with和to都可表「與…比擬」;但有時「compare A to B」是表「比方」,不可混淆。
1. The results from this questionnaire would compare with the results of the cloze test.
*The results from this questionnaire would compare with the cloze test.
3. The purpose of the study reported in this article was to compare the effects of
2. __________________ was used to compare experimental and control groups.
申明: 此句中的介系詞with也可代換成and翻譯
Robert Brown研究水平分子的運動,發現這些份子的移動很紊亂,就像醉漢一樣。我們可以把水中的分子比方為一位醉漢翻譯
1. It is difficult to compare results across studies.
u 增補句型:
Ø Prep. + compare
3. Robert Brown studied the movement of molecules in water, and he found that they moved around randomly, just like a drunkard. We can compare a molecule in water to the drunkard.
compare with/ to (與…比較) 1. We designed a study to compare __________________ and__________________ . 我們設計了一個研究來對照…和…。 3. The simplest way to statistically compare the two types of tests would be to examine the correlation coefficients reported in the literature. 其薪資與其它白領工作對照起較差。 本文講演的研究其目標在於比力…的效果。 1. The rights we enjoy under our laws compare favourably with those in other societies. 例句: 資料起原: http://www.books.com.tw/exep/prod/booksfile.php?item=0010410089
compare statistically
l Compare (V. 對照)
After applying t-tests to compare means of pre- and post-tests翻譯社 H1 was accepted and H2 was rejected (p> .05).
compare directly
利用t檢定對照前測和後測的平均數後,假定1被接管而假定2被謝絕(p> .05)翻譯
compare poorly/ unfavorably
Ø compare + Adv. / Adv. + compare
compare advantageously/ favorably/ well (比起來較好) 2. Its pay has always compared poorly with that of other white-collar occupations.
天成翻譯公司們在我們的法令下所享有的權力與其它社會對照起來是較好的。 Ø compare + Prep. | 論文寫作中常需比力研究的結果或是與其它分歧研究作比力,而最經常使用的動詞就是compare, 例如: 此問卷的結果會與克漏字測驗成效對照。 申明: 英文中作比力時兩個比力的事物要對等,是以句中會泛起兩次results,顯示是「問卷結果」和「克漏字考試成果」的對照翻譯但台灣同學受中文影響輕易寫出不對等的對照,釀成「問卷結果」和「克漏字考試」的對照,如以下毛病的句子要力圖避免: 以統計對照兩種考試的最簡單體例是去檢視文獻中所呈文的相關係數。